Subject: Re: NetBSD Security Advisory 2004-009: ftpd root escalation
To: NetBSD Security-Officer <>
From: Gilbert Fernandes <>
List: current-users
Date: 08/17/2004 23:55:48
On Tue, Aug 17, 2004 at 01:48:16PM -0400, NetBSD Security-Officer wrote:
> To update from CVS, re-build, and re-install ftpd:
> # cd src
cd /usr
> # cvs update -d -P src/libexec/ftpd
> # cd src/libexec/ftpd
> # make USETOOLS=no cleandir dependall
> # make USETOOLS=no install
no ?
just upgraded my ftpd and commands do work fine
only if a cd /usr is done instead of the cd src
when you're in /usr as the cvs update is defined
from src/libexec/ftpd and thus assumes you are
in /usr and not /usr/src
Gilbert Fernandes