Subject: Re: CFLAGS and building X from xsrc
To: Vincent <>
From: =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Timo_Sch=F6ler?= <>
List: current-users
Date: 09/04/2004 14:58:25
> Hi,
> I might be the zillionth one to ask this (in which case I apologize),
> but what is the trick to get gcc compile things in xsrc with the
> CFLAGS defined in /etc/mk.conf ?
> Unlike kernel or userland builds, X builds seem to ignore totally what
> is in this file.
> Thanks !
> Vincent
whoops :D
i'm building right now (on i386 for amiga, lateron for sparc and
macppc) and still waiting for this to come to the end...
gave it the -x flag and added
to mk.conf (according to
it seems to be succesful -- it's stripping now :)
mit vorzueglichster Hochachtung/best regards,
Timo Schoeler
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