Subject: Re: Subversion Mirror?
To: NetBSD Current <>
From: Dick Davies <>
List: current-users
Date: 09/10/2004 09:42:33
* David Maxwell <> [0924 21:24]:
> On Thu, 09 Sep 2004, Jean-Luc Wasmer wrote:
> > David Maxwell wrote:
> >
> > >>>SVN has a lot of promise - but developers have tried importing NetBSD's
> > >>>CVS into it, and it wasn't up to the task.
> > >>>
> > >>>
> > >I remember it being 'could not complete the import'. I don't know if
> > >that was 'crashed' or 'crawled to a halt'.
> > >
> > May I inquire when the import was made (which SVN version)?
> I didn't do it. I heard someone else explain these results. It was at
> least three months ago.
It seems to be a rapidly moving target - I'd recommend looking again when 1.1
goes stable,
it has a flat file backend (which would remove the db4 dependency, allows the repo
to live on an NFS mount and supposedly improves performance considerably).
FWIW, it might be worth seeing how the (unofficial I believe) FreeBSD SVN mirror performs:
When the government bureau's remedies don't match your problem, you
modify the problem, not the remedy.
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