Subject: Re: unofficial poll about new logo
To: NetBSD Current Users <>
From: Dick Davies <>
List: current-users
Date: 11/01/2004 13:24:11
* Sean Davis <> [1108 12:08]:
> And the Daemon is no more FreeBSD than it was NetBSD, or even than it
> was OpenBSD before they went to their blowfish logo, which I hate, but
> I'm sorry to say is quite a lot better than our new "Orange Flag"
> logo.
> The Daemon was BSD. Plain and simple. People who thought it was only
> FreeBSD weren't the type of people who'd notice NetBSD in the first
> place anyhow.
I could be wrong but I remember when this was first discussed that the
daemon wasn't being retired. The daemon is a generic BSD mascot, which is
used by all three BSDs, and the flag is replacing the netbsd logo (the
daemons on the pile of computers with the flag, which was derived from
military theme). FreeBSD and OpenBSD have their own logos which don't include
a daemon, just like netbsd.
Sweet Zombie Jesus! - Prof. Farnsworth
Rasputin :: Jack of All Trades - Master of Nuns