Subject: can't run etcupdate (fails on MAKEDEV)
To: None <>
From: George Michaelson <>
List: current-users
Date: 01/14/2005 12:52:38
since the anoncvs thing, I've suspected a corrupted src tree but I blew it
away and re-fetched, and have the same problem:

nice ./ -M /usr/obj -u -x build >& /var/tmp/build.log &

runs to completion fine.

toss to single-user, remount fs,then cd /usr/obj/data/src/destdir.i386/
tar cBpf - . | (cd /; tar --unlink -xBpf -)

cd /

etcupdate -v complains:
#   install  /tmp/temproot/dev/MAKEDEV
cd /usr/obj/data/src/etc && install  -N /data/src/etc -c  -r -T etc_pkg -o
root -g wheel -m 555  MAKEDEV /tmp/temproot/dev install: MAKEDEV: stat: No
such file or directory*** Error code 1

make: stopped in /data/src/etc
*** Error code 1

make: stopped in /data/src/etc

George Michaelson       |  APNIC                 
Email:    |  PO Box 2131 Milton    
Phone: +61 7 3858 3150  |  QLD 4064 Australia    
  Fax: +61 7 3858 3199  |