Subject: Re: ipfilter broken after recent src/sys/{,dist/ipf}/netinet changes
To: None <>
From: None <>
List: current-users
Date: 02/17/2005 13:49:48
Markus W Kilbinger wrote:
> Sorry for my inaccuracy: kernel _and_ complete userland is updated
> (last night), but not completely recompiled from scratch! Is the
> latter mandatory?
> Markus.
You mean you updated src tree, built kernel and then simply copied
kernel to / and rebooted?
I don't think you need to recompile the entire userland, just the parts
which interact with ipfilter and may be install some headers. I'm not a
kernel developer so don't know much about it, but if you follow the
instructions given in the relevant mail archive exactly to the letter
and if you still have problems, then I guess kernel developers need to
have a look at it.