Subject: vmware3 on multiprocessor kernel (2.99.15)
To: None <>
From: Florent Parent <>
List: current-users
Date: 02/23/2005 13:39:26
vmware3 and vmware-module3 from recent pkgsrc compiles ok but modules
(vmmon) fails to load:
LKM 'vmmon': environment compile options mismatch - LKM '', kernel
Found out that using -DMULTIPROCESSOR=1 when building the lkm would fix the
above (message from <> sent on 2004-04-19). The resulting
modules are loaded. vmnet1 interfaces shows up as expected.
Start vmware, boot netbsd1.6 image, system hang. I can switch to the
console (ctl-alt-f1) to see timeout messages from the viaide and ex0
ethernet drivers. System is unresponsive, need to hard reset.
Question: is the emulators/vmware3-module non compatible with
I'd like to hear from anyone successfully using a similar configuration. If
not, I can open a new pr.