Subject: Re: libssh fails lint
To: Philip Dodd <>
From: John Nemeth <>
List: current-users
Date: 03/02/2005 20:02:12
On Jul 20, 5:42pm, Philip Dodd wrote:
} John Nemeth wrote:
} > With updated sources, I just tried to compile libssh on sparc64
} >and it failed the lint stage:
} >
} >Lint pass2:
} >BN_print, arg 1 declared inconsistently authfd.c?(42) :: bufaux.c?(44)
} Interesting - i updated to netbsd-current (from 2.0) this morning and
} recompiled it all this afternoon on sparc64 and didn't see this pb. In
} fact I received this mail about 75% into the compile and it made my
} heart sink :-)
Yeah, my i386 build on Sunday completed fine. Must have been
something in my build environment. My sparc64 is -current from Feb.
16th. Various pieces of it have been updated as I've been working on
various pieces of PAM. Anyways, I rebuilt lint and now libssh compiles
}-- End of excerpt from Philip Dodd