Subject: Re: Somewhat disappointed NetBSD newbie
To: Zbigniew Baniewski <>
From: Zafer Aydogan <>
List: current-users
Date: 03/27/2005 19:01:35
Zbigniew Baniewski schrieb:
> On Sun, Mar 27, 2005 at 04:44:24PM +0200, Wouter Klouwen wrote:
> Have you heard of people preferring console mode?
Me :)
And yes you're right Zgbigniew, the whole Term thing is a pain in the
ass. Especially the whole Keyboard thing with Delete, Insert, Pos1 etc.
Things that are for you and me "essential" are bloated for NetBSD which
means it ain't going to fixed anyway. We have to live with it or with a
workaround [binding keys].
>>>7. Using my favourite text editor - joe
Yes, I don't use Joe anymore since I moved to NetBSD. Now you know why.
> Such answer can be given to ANY user of ANY broken package from NetBSD
> packages collection.
> Is such attitude normal among NetBSD users?
No, the people in this List are very helpful and very friendly.
>>No. NetBSD comes standard with sh and csh. More then you'll ever need to get
>>pkgsrc and install your shell of choice. tcsh or bash by default would just
>>be bloat.
> Any more functionality, than obsolete c-shell gives - "would just be bloat"?
Yes, I prefer bash aswell. And sometimes I don't understand, why NetBSD
is rejecting a 300K shell, but importing other things with a few MB to
the main system.
>>mc is anything but essential. A lot of third party applications are
>>available through pkgsrc, and there are prebuilt binairies which may be
>>installed from, or a local mirror.
> mc is VERY useful
Yes it is. Very useful and very fast.
Should be part of the main system. (IMHO).
- and I didn't find prebuilt binary of mc. There were
> compilation problems.
Me neither. Binary Packages are mostly deleted if there are any security
problems. This is noticed in the Readme file
But I just built a package for you, which you can download from
Make sure you have all dependencies installed.
Greets and Happy Easter.