Subject: Re: Manually created console in /dev
To: NetBSD-current <>
From: Jukka Salmi <>
List: current-users
Date: 06/30/2005 17:20:16
Marcin Jessa --> current-users (2005-06-30 17:07:02 +0200):
> Hi.
> I dont know if it's a bug but when I manually create console device in empty /dev on a drive with mknod console c 0 0 then boot that drive, init does not create any new devices in /dev. I did not test it creating any other devices.
> Kernel version 3.99.6.
This is not a bug. Read src/sbin/init/init.c:
static int
/* If we have /dev/console, assume all is OK */
if (access(_PATH_CONSOLE, F_OK) != -1)
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