Subject: gzip warning about > 4GB breaks amanda
To: None <,>
From: Greg Troxel <>
List: current-users
Date: 11/02/2005 11:13:14
Since upgrading from current of 20050202 to 20050926, backups have
been failing.  The problem is in revision 1.73 of src/usr.bin/gzip.c,
where if the output size is > 4GB then a warning is printed.  But,
maybe_warn causes exit status to be 1.  It seems that this isn't
really an error condition, and that at a minimum exit status should
still be zero.

Plus, this should be maybe_warnx, not maybe_warn, because errno has
not just been set by any library call and there's a stray EOPNOTSUPP
that doens't make sense.

I'm going to just delete the warning line in my local sources since
backups are more important to me than being told the length will be
%4GB.  Does GNU gzip output a warning?  return 1?  I'll ask on the
amanda list to see if anyone else has this trouble.

Here's the amanda failure notice:


/-- [redacted].ir.b wd0e lev 0 STRANGE
sendbackup: start [[redacted] level 0]
sendbackup: info BACKUP=/sbin/dump
sendbackup: info RECOVER_CMD=/usr/bin/gzip -dc |/sbin/restore -f... -
sendbackup: info COMPRESS_SUFFIX=.gz
sendbackup: info end
|   DUMP: Found /dev/rwd0e on /usr in /etc/fstab
|   DUMP: Date of this level 0 dump: Wed Nov  2 00:47:19 2005
|   DUMP: Date of last level 0 dump: the epoch
|   DUMP: Dumping /dev/rwd0e (/usr) to standard output
|   DUMP: Label: none
|   DUMP: mapping (Pass I) [regular files]
|   DUMP: mapping (Pass II) [directories]
|   DUMP: estimated 22480798 tape blocks.
|   DUMP: Volume 1 started at: Wed Nov  2 00:47:22 2005
|   DUMP: dumping (Pass III) [directories]
|   DUMP: dumping (Pass IV) [regular files]
|   DUMP: 4.33% done, finished in 1:50
|   DUMP: 8.60% done, finished in 1:46
|   DUMP: 12.90% done, finished in 1:41
|   DUMP: 16.85% done, finished in 1:38
|   DUMP: 21.78% done, finished in 1:29
|   DUMP: 24.95% done, finished in 1:30
|   DUMP: 30.30% done, finished in 1:20
|   DUMP: 34.04% done, finished in 1:17
|   DUMP: 42.42% done, finished in 1:01
|   DUMP: 54.08% done, finished in 0:42
|   DUMP: 65.94% done, finished in 0:28
|   DUMP: 77.79% done, finished in 0:17
|   DUMP: 89.03% done, finished in 0:08
|   DUMP: 99.92% done, finished in 0:00
|   DUMP: 22484268 tape blocks
|   DUMP: Volume 1 completed at: Wed Nov  2 01:57:29 2005
|   DUMP: Volume 1 took 1:10:07
|   DUMP: Volume 1 transfer rate: 5344 KB/s
|   DUMP: Date of this level 0 dump: Wed Nov  2 00:47:19 2005
|   DUMP: Date this dump completed:  Wed Nov  2 01:57:29 2005
|   DUMP: Average transfer rate: 5344 KB/s
|   DUMP: level 0 dump on Wed Nov  2 00:47:19 2005
? gzip: input file size >= 4GB cannot be saved: Operation not supported
??error [compress returned 1]? dumper: strange [missing size line from sendbackup]
? dumper: strange [missing end line from sendbackup]