Subject: Re: ridiculous uid
To: None <>
From: Christos Zoulas <>
List: current-users
Date: 11/30/2005 18:44:08
In article <>,
dieter Roelants  <> wrote:
>I currently have 3.0_RC3 running netbooted on a cobalt RaQ2. I noticed  
>that something isn't quiet right with user id's:
>$ grep dieter /etc/passwd
>dieter:*:1980:1980:Dieter Roelants:/home/dieter:/bin/ksh
>$ id
>uid=3154575360(dieter) gid=3154575360  
>$ id daemon
>uid=16777216(daemon) gid=16777216 groups=16777216,1(daemon)
>$ uname -a
>NetBSD 3.0_RC3 NetBSD 3.0_RC3 (INSTALL) #0: Sun  
>Nov 27 16:21:36 CET 2005   
>Userland is from the RC_3 daily build, kernel is built from the source  
>tar of the same snapshot.
>Did somebody else see this?
>Kind regards

Endianness problem:

3154575360 == 0xbc070000
0x000007bc == 1980
