Subject: KDE build doesn't work on 3.0 ?? + other X11 / xsane questions
To: None <>
From: Marc Coevoet <>
List: current-users
Date: 01/29/2006 20:57:04
It stops in qt3 libs while compiling qmake ...

It is unclear what the problem is..
It does a cc and stops ..

Real problem is I would like a more confortable env for settings like 
Monitor (1024x768 instead of the 640x480 now).
Where are these settings ??

CF86Config app or XF86Setup don't seem to be present ..

I looked up my unix/linux books, but it looks like X11 is diff.
Is it xorg or xfree in 3.0 ??

I compiled firefox, xsane, gimp, ..
All works fine, but I didn't find my HP PSC750 scanner with xsane .. 
(maybe I need other stuff...)

something I saw this afternoon: I have a Compaq 6350 500MHZ/ 386Mb,
when I connect the UHCI usb to the non powered external usb disk it 
gives problems... (some interrupt)
Disconnecting solves the prob.  I've been working with the USB disk 
powered on, no probs ..
