Subject: Re: amd / am-utils in -current problem
To: None <>
From: Christos Zoulas <>
List: current-users
Date: 04/05/2006 15:00:08
In article <>,
Markus W Kilbinger <> wrote:
>>>>>> "Christos" == Christos Zoulas <> writes:
> Christos> [...] Once I simply replaced the actual amd binary with
> Christos> an older one (before coverity patches I guess) which
> Christos> restored the old functionality and stability. Might
> Christos> these patches be the reason for my problems?
> Christos> What's the date of the previous binary?
>The working amd binary (and all the other am-utils stuff) was compiled
>on / from March, 11th. (I've just verified that this one _is_ working
>with my other actual -current stuff.)
>In addition to my former description it seems that the problem occurs
>if you try to access a second amd managed nfs path. The first one
>works, the second produces the mentioned hang ups.
Can you try amfs_generic.c:1.5 and see if it fixes the problem?