Subject: "cpu1: not started" on MP kernel
To: None <>
From: Peter Seebach <>
List: current-users
Date: 07/05/2006 12:55:54
I have an exceptionally jinxed machine.

It is nearly working.  Nearly.  At this point, it appears its only substantial
problem is that it isn't going MP.

I was running 3.0 on it, wherein it would go MP successfully using the mpbios
option, and no ACPI.  I'm now running 3.99.21 (-current from the tarballs at, and I get "cpu1: not started".  I have tried both MPBIOS and
MPACPI, and I do have the MULTIPROCESSOR option in my kernel config.  I'm not
seeing anything obvious to explain this.

Any suggestions of where to look?

Hardware is a pair of single-core opterons, running in i386 mode.
