Subject: Re: Data corruption issues possibly involving cgd(4)
To: Daniel Carosone <>
From: Nino Dehne <>
List: current-users
Date: 01/17/2007 06:38:32
On Wed, Jan 17, 2007 at 04:27:08PM +1100, Daniel Carosone wrote:
> Hmm. I can only really suspect the filesystem at this point. How large is it?
Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Avail Capacity Mounted on
/dev/cgd0a 1173977144 1106331136 8947152 99% /home
/dev/cgd0a 1.1T 1.0T 8.5G 99% /home
> Hrm. I suspect the filesystem at this point, since you seem to have
> eliminated seeking power and the cgd device.
> Can you tell us more about the fs? ufs1, ufs2? lfs? :-)
> What size, block and frag size, etc?
# dumpfs /dev/cgd0a
file system: /dev/cgd0a
endian little-endian
location 65536 (-b 128)
magic 19540119 (UFS2) time Wed Jan 17 06:29:04 2007
superblock location 65536 id [ 44a83fa3 10976c51 ]
cylgrp dynamic inodes FFSv2 sblock FFSv2 fslevel 5
nbfree 1055930 ndir 48350 nifree 35933852 nffree 8311
ncg 354 size 147896952 blocks 146747143
bsize 65536 shift 16 mask 0xffff0000
fsize 8192 shift 13 mask 0xffffe000
frag 8 shift 3 fsbtodb 4
bpg 52224 fpg 417792 ipg 103424
minfree 5% optim time maxcontig 1 maxbpg 8192
symlinklen 120 contigsumsize 0
maxfilesize 0x00800400200bffff
nindir 8192 inopb 256
avgfilesize 16384 avgfpdir 64
sblkno 16 cblkno 24 iblkno 32 dblkno 3264
sbsize 8192 cgsize 65536
csaddr 3264 cssize 8192
cgrotor 0 fmod 0 ronly 0 clean 0x02
flags soft-updates
fsmnt /home
volname swuid 0
I hope this includes the info you want. I initialized it back then using
a simple newfs -O 2 under 3.0 I think.
> Another thing you might do is compare sucessive dump(8)s of the
> filesystem.
I will see what I can do. I never used dump(8) before.
> Oh, you wanted -fn not -pn.
Oops, I even checked the man page. No idea how I ended up with -p. I will
have another test session tomorrow morning when the box is not used as much.
It will have to serve some stuff over the day.
> You're most welcome, and have found at least one concrete problem
> already for your methodical efforts. I'm very curious now what the
> other problem might be, keep at it..
I'll keep you posted. Thanks again.