Subject: very strange error message from ntpd upon running cvs (?)
To: None <>
From: Blair Sadewitz <>
List: current-users
Date: 02/13/2007 22:46:01
I am running amd64 -current from right before the CVS server went
down, i.e. post newlock2-merge.
After I start the system and login for the first time, if I run cvs
update, ntpd produces this error message:
Feb 13 22:33:22 dexamyl ntpd[1243]: sigio_handler: sigio_handler_active != 1
Feb 13 22:33:22 dexamyl ntpd[1243]: select(28, ########--------------------, 0L,
0L, &0.0) error: Bad file descriptor
Feb 13 22:33:22 dexamyl ntpd[1243]: Bad file descriptor 27
Feb 13 22:33:22 dexamyl ntpd[1243]: sigio_handler: sigio_handler_active != 0
Feb 13 22:33:34 dexamyl ntpd[1243]: time reset +0.714964 s
Feb 13 22:33:34 dexamyl ntpd[1243]: kernel time sync status change 2001
It is 100% reproduceable on my system. If a dmesg or kernel
configuration is needed, please do not hesistate to ask.
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vague foreboding of something unknown, these are the heralds of
approaching change. The gradual crumbling that left unaltered the the
face of the whole is cut short by a sunburst which, in one flash,
illuminates the features of the new world." --G.W.F. Hegel,
_Phenomenology of Spirit_ 5:11