Subject: Re: Interest in Broadcom crypto cards?
To: Alicia da Conceicao <>
From: Todd Vierling <>
List: current-users
Date: 02/20/2007 00:38:27
On 2/19/07, Alicia da Conceicao <> wrote:
> At one time, I was really keen on Broadcom and other crypto cards.
> However, personal computers have become so cheap and powerful, that
> I am able to get more than >2000 RSA private-key signatures with a
> RSA key having a 1024bit modulus, just on a cheap/basic 2GHz AMD64
> machine running NetBSD-amd64.
> The broadcom cards you mentioned are obsolete.
If so, it's not for any of the supposed reasons you mention above.
This is a completely different market; please take a grain of
> The only justification these days I have for crypto is for embedded
> devices that need accelerated crypto for VPN, and smart-cards or USB
> crypto-tokens that protect RSA private keys from the host computer.
There are many such embedded/small-CPU devices (not just for VPN, mind
you) that need low power consumption, which is certainly not an
amd64-type-CPU strong suit. A CPU of the power you mention is a *very
very bad* fit here; typically these machines are 486 or Pentium-II
generation at best. It's like comparing pears vs. tangerines, or
something like that.
Now, show me a complete amd64-based machine in the ballpark of the
speed you mention, using less than 2A of current @ 5VDC, and we'll
talk. 8-)
-- Todd Vierling <> <> <>