Subject: Re: bcm5754 support
To:, Sarton O'Brien <>
From: Havard Eidnes <>
List: current-users
Date: 02/20/2007 20:22:51
> > but still it doesn't work - I don't appear to see any packets.
> Just to clarify that. Monitoring the wire, I can see arp requests =
> going out from the machine and the replies being sent but the machine=
> never receives the replies.
I wonder if this is the same bug Andrew Doran just reported and
fixed in the bge driver, ref. PR#35715 and if_bge.c revision 1.125.
(I can always hope -- this is mostly a shot in the dark...)
I don't have the hardware, so can't test this fix myself, so
assistance testing whether this makes any difference would be
Best regards,
- H=E5vard