Subject: Re: interest in Coherent Remote File System (CRFS)?
To: Blair Sadewitz <>
From: Zach Brown <>
List: current-users
Date: 10/31/2007 16:22:59
Aaron bounced these replies to me, I'm assuming it's OK to reply to the

> Sounds interesting, although I'm pretty busy myself right now, so I
> dont know if I can
> do much with it.  I was planning on updating arla to 0.90 (even though
> I dont use AFS, heh).
> Perhaps I'll look into the server for this instead.

Do let me know if you get the urge.  It'll be a few more weeks yet
before I get everything lined up to release the source and set up the
infrastructure to encourage collaboration.

I guess I'll have Aaron send another note when all that is up :).

- z