Subject: Re: Inverted boot problem for a Mac Mini
To: Brian Buhrow <>
From: Johan Ihren <>
List: current-users
Date: 11/14/2007 10:46:24
> Well, a quick web search reveals that I was mistaken about the
> bootability of bootcamp directly. Some further thoughts.
> 1. Although it might seem counter intuitive, you probably can boot a
> Windows XP cd, just as you can boot NetBSD, and so could install
> Windows to
> your hard disk. Then, you could install the Bootcamp drivers under
> Windows, which might set things back to rights.
I'm in the blissful state of not having access to a Windows CD ;-)
> 2. In some notes I found on putting Linux on one's powerpc mini, it
> discusses the need to put gpt labels on the disk as well as MBR
> partitions.
> I know you said you trried your untouched Mac OS X disk, and it didn't
> work, but I wonder if there's some sort of flash inside the unit that
> stores some sort of gpt label that got zorched somehow?
I completely agree. That's my suspicion too. However I do note that
the unability to boot GPT-dependent things like Mac OS X and unability
to listen to the keyboard seems to be two different things, both bad.
So it is not only the GPT issue that's troubling the box.
> 3. Since you've opened up the unit to switch hard drives, did you
> also try
> removing any batteries from the motherboard and wandering off for an
> extended lunch before putting them back and trying again?
Yep, did that. No change.
> 4. Do you have another mac with Mac OS X installed? If so, then
> perhaps
> you can repartition with a 200MB FAT partition as the first
> partition on
> your hard drive to put the refit utility in and thus boot into that
> and get
> things going. Instructions at:
Also a good idea. Did that, but no change. Sigh.
I've completely run out of time for dealing with this and the Mini has
now gone to see its maker...
> Hope that helps.
Many thanks for your suggestions.
> On Nov 6, 11:02pm, Johan Ihren wrote:
> } Subject: Re: Inverted boot problem for a Mac Mini
> } Hi,
> }
> } On 6 Nov 2007, at 21:32, Brian Buhrow wrote:
> }
> } > Another thought that I had was that you said you could boot
> from the
> } > NetBSD cd or the NetBSD installed on the hard disk, but couldn't
> } > boot from
> } > the OS X cd from Apple. This may be a third stupid question, but
> } > have you
> } > tried booting the Bootcamp cd, which I believe has utilities to
> } > configure
> } > your mac in various ways. If you can boot from the Bootcamp cd,
> } > perhaps it
> } > can then restore functionality required to let OS X boot.
> }
> } Sounds great. But I haven't found anything called a "BootCamp CD".
> If
> } I search for the over at Apple all I come up with is an iMac
> specific
> } firmware update. I suspect that there once was a BootCamp CD but
> that
> } it has disappeared as Leopard was released.
> }
> } If anyone has an image of this thing (that hasn't already expired) I
> } would be much obliged...
> }
> } Johan
> }
> } > On Nov 6, 8:59pm, "Marco Trillo" wrote:
> } > } Subject: Re: Inverted boot problem for a Mac Mini
> } > } Hi,
> } > }
> } > } On 11/6/07, Johan Ihren <> wrote:
> } > } > -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----
> } > } > Hash: SHA1
> } > } >
> } > } >
> } > } > On 6 Nov 2007, at 03:19, Jared D. McNeill wrote:
> } > } >
> } > } > > On Tue, 6 Nov 2007, Johan Ihren wrote:
> } > } > >> So, in short: Doesn't listen to the keyboard at all during
> } > boot,
> } > } > >> doesn't boot Mac media (HDD or DVD) but does boot NetBSD
> media
> } > } > >> (HDD or CD). I'm stuck with NetBSD ;-)
> } > } > >
> } > } > > Maybe a stupid question, but have you tried holding down the
> } > option
> } > } > > key while powering on?
> } > } >
> } > } > Yep. I've tried every magic keypress I've been able to squeeze
> } > out of
> } > } > Google. Pressing any combination of keys while booting is a
> no-op.
> } > }
> } > } This is also a stupid question, but are you using a USB keyboard
> } > } (i.e., no Bluetooth or so) to press the Option or the C key ?
> } > }
> } > } -Marco
> } >> -- End of excerpt from "Marco Trillo"
> } >
> } >
> }
>> -- End of excerpt from Johan Ihren