Subject: Re: Building netbsd-current for the first time
To: =?UTF-8?B?Um9iZXJ0aCBTam9uw7h5?= <>
From: Sarton O'Brien <>
List: current-users
Date: 12/14/2007 10:07:09
Roberth Sjonøy wrote:
> Hello,
> Today I built NetBSD-current for the first time. I followed this guide:
> But when i ran the build script, what did I really do? did I just build
> NetBSD-current, or did I install it to?
> Regards,
> Roberth Sjonøy
If it completed successfully you should now have all the binaries
available to install a current system.
Are you running from within a NetBSD instance? Are you planning on
upgrading or installing to a new disk?
The install invocation is:
./ install=<insert mount-point here>
But you'll want to make sure you are doing what you intend first. An
upgrade can be problematic depending on the order with which you install
the kernel/userland. Generally if you install the userland before the
kernel, a lot of basic commands may break depending on the gap between
current and the existing install. If you install the kernel and reboot,
you will need to specify your tools directly or rebuild them before
installing userland. You may want to look up etcupdate before you even
Try invoking with no parameters for more information on the
available options.
Sometimes, for someone new to NetBSD -CURRENT and wanting to track it,
it's easier to obtain a snapshot iso and work from there. That gives you
a base install that isn't too far removed from anything you'll plan on
updating to.
Good luck ... and welcome to current :)