Current-Users by thread
Thread index
Last updated: Mon Mar 10 03:09:49 2025
Timezone is UTC
- Re: stupid question, (continued)
- why the heck was a tagged part of the CVS repo mov,
Greg A. Woods
- acorn32 crashes at boot.,
Mike Pumford
- Intel Montevina, Shirley Peak, etc.,
Stephen Borrill
- vmstat -s "active pages" / "inactive pages" output,
Havard Eidnes
- problem with vnc viewer not drawing a window,
Michael Litchard
- [Security Fix] OpenLDAP,
Adrian Portelli
- Re: CVS commit: src/usr.bin/patch,
Greg Troxel
- EeePC 900 and wifi patch linked on homepage - in c,
Swift Griggs
- DRM & VESA kernel issue,
- wpa_supplicant before dhcpcd,
matthew sporleder
- Re: wpa_supplicant before dhcpcd,
Daniel Carosone
- Re: wpa_supplicant before dhcpcd,
Joerg Sonnenberger
- Re: wpa_supplicant before dhcpcd,
Roy Marples
- Re: wpa_supplicant before dhcpcd,
matthew sporleder
- Re: wpa_supplicant before dhcpcd,
Joerg Sonnenberger
- Re: wpa_supplicant before dhcpcd,
Jouni Malinen
- Re: wpa_supplicant before dhcpcd,
Roy Marples
- Re: wpa_supplicant before dhcpcd,
Joerg Sonnenberger
- Re: wpa_supplicant before dhcpcd,
Roy Marples
- Re: wpa_supplicant before dhcpcd,
Joerg Sonnenberger
- Re: wpa_supplicant before dhcpcd,
Joerg Sonnenberger
- Re: wpa_supplicant before dhcpcd,
David Young
- Re: wpa_supplicant before dhcpcd,
Joerg Sonnenberger
- Re: wpa_supplicant before dhcpcd,
David Young
- Re: wpa_supplicant before dhcpcd,
Joerg Sonnenberger
- Re: wpa_supplicant before dhcpcd,
Daniel Carosone
- Re: wpa_supplicant before dhcpcd,
Roy Marples
- Re: wpa_supplicant before dhcpcd,
Steven M. Bellovin
- dhcpcd-4.99.1 [was: wpa_supplicant before dhcpcd],
Roy Marples
- Re: dhcpcd-4.99.1 [was: wpa_supplicant before dhcp,
Zafer Aydoğan
- Re: dhcpcd-4.99.1 [was: wpa_supplicant before dhcp,
Adam Hoka
- Re: wpa_supplicant before dhcpcd,
David Young
- sony dsc t1,
matthew sporleder
- Dell IPMI and PERC utils,
Swift Griggs
- Supported RAID SATA cards,
M Graff
- Mysterious bit errors on healthy media in i386/4.9,
Anders Lindgren
- Updating system from sources,
Camilo Reyes
- NetBSD 3.x, IPv6 and IPF,
Martti Kuparinen
- Re: NetBSD 3.x, IPv6 and IPF,
Michael van Elst
- Re: NetBSD 3.x, IPv6 and IPF,
Dominik Bia³y
- Re: NetBSD 3.x, IPv6 and IPF,
Michael van Elst
- Re: NetBSD 3.x, IPv6 and IPF,
Dominik Bia³y
- Re: NetBSD 3.x, IPv6 and IPF,
Dominik Bia³y
- Re: NetBSD 3.x, IPv6 and IPF,
Dominik Bia³y
- Re: NetBSD 3.x, IPv6 and IPF,
Michael van Elst
- Re: How to automatically set "Intel(R) On Demand C,
- How to automatically set "Intel(R) On Demand Clock,
- how to write patch for pkgsrc ?,
kamel derouiche
- ath0 not working after updating to 4.99.72,
Ulrich Habel
- Build failure - need to add accept_filter man page,
Paul Goyette
- bizarre behavior reading files incorrectly with 4.,
Greg Troxel
- Is setitimer broken under current?,
Sverre Froyen
- non-configured devices on Eee PC 1000H,
Malcolm Herbert
- Multiprocesor symmetric support?,
Camilo Reyes
- satalink at cardbus,
- [Call for testers] Nvi update,
Aymeric Vincent
- HEADS UP: you may need to rebuild threaded pkgsrc ,
Martin Husemann
- WAPBL vs. dump(8),
Matthias Scheler
- Random reboots on 4.99.72,
Paul Goyette
- libpthread problem in perl,
Paul Goyette
- Compiling the current source code,
Camilo Reyes
- Re: Compiling the current source code,
Sarton O'Brien
- Re: Compiling the current source code,
Jeremy C. Reed
- Re: Compiling the current source code,
Alan Barrett
- Re: Compiling the current source code,
Jeremy C. Reed
- Re: Compiling the current source code,
Alan Barrett
- Re: Compiling the current source code,
Erik Bertelsen
- Re: Compiling the current source code,
Alan Barrett
- Re: Compiling the current source code,
Erik Bertelsen
- Re: Compiling the current source code,
Alan Barrett
- Re: Compiling the current source code,
Erik Bertelsen
- Re: Compiling the current source code,
Jeremy C. Reed
- Re: Compiling the current source code,
Johan Ihren
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: Compiling the current source code,
Camilo Reyes
- Questions about SATA device support,
Michael Litchard
- /usr/src/external?,
Malcolm Herbert
- Cross building from Mac OS X?,
Paul Ripke
- HEAD amd64 kernel no boot,
Jeremy C. Reed
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