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Re: panic! panic! panic! sigh.. panic!

On Sat, Sep 20, 2008 at 07:58:02PM -0400, wrote:
> So I've got this IBM T61 laptop, added a 2 gig piece of ram and thought I'd 
> enjoy
> it with some massive package building.. then it hung (while in X). So I 
> rebooted,
> found my X (from pkgsrc) was gone in the update process and continued package 
> building.
> The next panic thus I could take a photo of, even do a bt. It was happening 
> in some
> invocation of as(1). So I rebooted again, finished building of my X packages, 
> including
> the windowmanager and started xdm. Bazong... you guess right. The next panic.
> Hmm, any hint what it could be related to? Any hint on what I should do next? 
> Which
> DEBUG stuff do you advise me to turn on? What does it smell like??
> Oh. Just while I was writing this the machine hangs again. This time the thing
> trickling it seems to be xmms, which wants to read a new song from the disk 
> while
> in the background a pkgsrc build is running.
> bt1 (just the end of it) can be seen at
> bt2 (2 parts) at

When I see that kind of stuff happening, I check the memory and so far
it's always been because of a faulty stick.

> I don't have a bt of the 1st or 4th crash now.
> TIA. -Martin
> (PS and I'm not PRing because what should the subject be? NetBSD doesn't like 
> me?)
> machine kernel conf:
> Differences to GENERIC: A lot of stuff has been commented out. The
> additions are the DRM stuff from ALL, uncommenting the aps entry,
> adding file-system PUFFS and pseudo-device putter (for PUFFS), and
> -makeoptions    CPUFLAGS="-march=i486 -mtune=pentiumpro" # Assume at least 
> 486, ...
> +makeoptions    CPUFLAGS="-march=pentium4 -msse2 -mfpmath=sse" 

You really don't want the kernel to use any FP instruction.  You
shouldn't have the sse flags on.

By the way, it seems to me your nickname just fits you.  Reckless to the
point of crashing and burning :-)

Quentin Garnier - -
"See the look on my face from staying too long in one place
[...] every time the morning breaks I know I'm closer to falling"
KT Tunstall, Saving My Face, Drastic Fantastic, 2007.

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