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Re: Perl getitimer problem

In article <>,
Jukka Salmi  <> wrote:
>while running `make test' during a Perl 5.10 build on a current system
>one of the many tests failed. The attached file is copied from from
>perl-5.10.0/ext/Time/HiRes/t/HiRes.t and reproduces the problem for
>me: it perl interpreter seems to hang in a busy loop.
>$ uname -srp
>NetBSD 4.99.72 i386
>$ /opt/perl5.10/bin/perl
># setitimer: 0 0
>ok 18
># getitimer: 0.5 0.4
>On a 4.0_STABLE system this works fine though:
>$ uname -srp
>NetBSD 4.0_STABLE i386
>$ /opt/perl5.10/bin/perl 
># setitimer: 0 0
>ok 18
># getitimer: 0.5 0.4
># Tick! 2 0.49509
># Tick! 1 0.895079
># Tick! 0 1.29508
># Tick! 0 1.695081
># getitimer: 0 0
>ok 19
>Is this a known problem? Any hints?
>BTW: I see the same problem when running the script with Perl 5.8.8
>from pkgsrc.

Fixed in kern_time.c 1.152


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