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    Date:        Tue, 23 Sep 2008 22:31:57 +0200 (CEST)
    From:        Hubert Feyrer <>
    Message-ID:  <>

  | I use a similar script to which I've added "env -i" now, but I think some 
  | useful defaults would be better than have everyone grow their own fixes.

I'm not sure that's needed.   Perhaps an example or two wouldn't hurt,
but it gets to a point where everyone's needs are just a bit different,
so either we end with a script to run that is just as complicated
as that one is, or people need to make their own scripts to tailor whatever
slightly simpler version is produced.   It's probably easier to just show
what can be done, and allow people to do their own thing, suited for their
own environment.


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