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Re: openldap in netbsd

On Mon, Sep 29, 2008 at 02:57:38PM +0200, Adam Hoka wrote:
> Staffan Thomén wrote:
>> On Sat, Sep 27, 2008 at 09:06:32AM +0300, Staffan Thomén wrote:
>>> On Fri, Sep 26, 2008 at 10:55:54AM +0200, Adam Hoka wrote:
>>>> Jeff Rizzo wrote:
>>>>> Jean-Yves Migeon wrote:
>>>>>> Patrick Welche wrote:
>>>>>>> Is there a way of getting a NetBSD client to authenticate against an
>>>>>>> ldap
>>>>>>> server? (I can't see an nss-ldap / pam_ldap - is there something else?
>>>>>>> xxinit was mentioned earlier...)
>>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>> If you need PAM with ldap, try security/pam-ldap in pkgsrc.
>>>>> If/when anyone gets this working, it would be really, really nice to
>>>>> have a step-by-step how-to somewhere.  Maybe on the wiki?
>>>>> (I'm going to need to do this at some point, but no round tuits yet)
>>>> I agree, that would be a really wanted guide.
>>>> As we have ldap libs in base system now, this should be an   
>>>> out-of-the-box feature with minial setup.
>>> I've got a (test) setup running on a pair of machines here, if you want I'll
>>> try to put some guidelines down; provided I don't forget about it 
>>> completely..
>>> This has been known to happen, feel free to poke me if I leave it too long 
>>> ;-)
>>> Staffan


> Wow!
> Can you put this great stuff onto :)

 Feel free to do it yourself.. I can't be bothered with it anymore ;-)


Staffan Thomen 1024D/7C7E2EF8
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