Current-Users by thread
Thread index
Last updated: Mon Mar 10 03:09:50 2025
Timezone is UTC
- Ideas about an analog-to-digital converter API,
Ken Hornstein
- Module unloading still broken on amd64?,
Paul Goyette
- Atheros Hal and AR5416 (Thinkpad T60p 2007),
Aran Clauson
- compat_linux sigaction broken on monolithic kernel,
Arto Huusko
- make(1) bug or pkgsrc bug?,
Thomas Klausner
- Re: CVS commit: src/distrib/sets/lists/xfont,
Bernd Ernesti
- new ath and Michael MIC,
Patrick Welche
- does wpa_supplicant work in current?,
Mark Kirby
- tools cross build failure with __dead,
Mikko Rapeli
- Build failure - libpuffs - port-i386,
Paul Goyette
- src/lib/libpuffs/subr.c won't compile,
Kurt Schreiner
- Re: CVS commit: src/sbin/fsdb,
Thomas Klausner
- Build errors in ktruss,
Paul Goyette
- fsdbutil.c won't compile,
Kurt Schreiner
- Can't find some include files,
David Dudley
- 5.0_BETA installation destroys cgd disklabel,
- kernel panics while booting,
Igor Ralets
- GENERIC wont boot,
Mark Kirby
- Re: CVS commit: src/usr.bin/make,
Tobias Nygren
- Two problems with netbsd-5,
Dominik Biały
- current-amd64 breakage (libpthread),
Hisashi T Fujinaka
- amd64 and UDF filesystem testing,
Reinoud Zandijk
- pxeboot,
Patrick Welche
- Compiler problem related to dwarf debug info?,
Havard Eidnes
- recent make(1) and pkgsrc,
- Build failure for xorg: colemak,
Paul Goyette
- Using bluetooth to get Internet access through a c,
Alan Barrett
- [HEADS-UP] NetBSD LVM support,
Adam Hamsik
- Build failure in racoon,
Paul Goyette
- How do I keep testing current-amd64 witout so much,
Hisashi T Fujinaka
- Re: How do I keep testing current-amd64 witout so ,
Paul Goyette
- Re: How do I keep testing current-amd64 witout so ,
Daniel Carosone
- Re: How do I keep testing current-amd64 witout so ,
Paul Goyette
- Re: How do I keep testing current-amd64 witout so ,
Hisashi T Fujinaka
- Re: How do I keep testing current-amd64 witout so ,
Paul Goyette
- Re: How do I keep testing current-amd64 witout so ,
Hisashi T Fujinaka
- Re: How do I keep testing current-amd64 witout so ,
Steven M. Bellovin
- Re: How do I keep testing current-amd64 witout so ,
Sverre Froyen
- bootable usb stick (was: How do I keep testing cur,
Bernd Ernesti
- Re: bootable usb stick (was: How do I keep testing,
Hisashi T Fujinaka
- Re: bootable usb stick (was: How do I keep testing,
Leonardo Taccari
- Re: bootable usb stick,
Cem Kayali
- Re: bootable usb stick (was: How do I keep testing,
Sverre Froyen
- Re: bootable usb stick (was: How do I keep testing,
David Laight
- Re: How do I keep testing current-amd64 witout so ,
David Holland
- Re: How do I keep testing current-amd64 witout so ,
Reinoud Zandijk
- Re: How do I keep testing current-amd64 witout so ,
Michael Graff
- Re: How do I keep testing current-amd64 witout so ,
Manuel Bouyer
- Re: How do I keep testing current-amd64 witout so ,
Steven M. Bellovin
- Re: How do I keep testing current-amd64 witout so ,
Paul Goyette
- Re: How do I keep testing current-amd64 witout so ,
Paul Goyette
- Re: How do I keep testing current-amd64 witout so ,
Christos Zoulas
- Re: How do I keep testing current-amd64 witout so ,
Paul Goyette
- Re: Asking for path to modules (was: How do I keep,
Paul Goyette
- Re: Asking for path to modules (was: How do I keep,
Christos Zoulas
- Re: Asking for path to modules (was: How do I keep,
Paul Goyette
- Re: Asking for path to modules (was: How do I keep,
Christos Zoulas
- Re: Asking for path to modules (was: How do I keep,
Paul Goyette
- Re: Asking for path to modules (was: How do I keep,
Paul Goyette
- Re: Asking for path to modules (was: How do I keep,
Andrew Doran
- Re: Asking for path to modules (was: How do I keep,
Paul Goyette
- Re: Asking for path to modules (was: How do I keep,
Andrew Doran
- Re: Asking for path to modules (was: How do I keep,
Paul Goyette
- Re: How do I keep testing current-amd64 witout so ,
David Holland
- Re: How do I keep testing current-amd64 witout so ,
Andrew Doran
- 5.0 NFS-related panic,
Manuel Bouyer
- kernel panic when wpi(4) can't find its firmware,
Hubert Feyrer
- make has problems w/ pkgsrc,
Kurt Schreiner
- amd64-5.0_BETA MULTIBOOT not working,
Juraj Hercek
- Build failure - missing lvm file,
Paul Goyette
- ffs crash while booting,
Jukka Salmi
- trap in shm_delete_mapping,
Manuel Bouyer
- semi-frequent 5.0_BETA crashes on SGI O2,
Rafal Boni
- Build failure - font files?,
Paul Goyette
- netbsd 5 beta problem with pf and icmp-type,
Daniel Schossig
- nfs vs nfsserver,
Paul Goyette
- amd64 -current crashs at boot,
Christoph Egger
- Re: amd64 -current crashs at boot,
Christoph Egger
- Re: amd64 -current crashs at boot,
Patrick Welche
- Re: amd64 -current crashs at boot,
Christoph Egger
- Re: amd64 -current crashs at boot,
Andrew Doran
- Re: amd64 -current crashs at boot,
Christoph Egger
- Re: amd64 -current crashs at boot,
Patrick Welche
- Re: amd64 -current crashs at boot,
Sverre Froyen
- Re: amd64 -current crashs at boot,
Christoph Egger
- Re: amd64 -current crashs at boot,
Sverre Froyen
- Re: amd64 -current crashs at boot,
Patrick Welche
- Re: amd64 -current crashs at boot,
Patrick Welche
- Re: amd64 -current crashs at boot,
Andrew Doran
- Re: amd64 -current crashs at boot,
Christoph Egger
- Re: amd64 -current crashs at boot,
Patrick Welche
- ``fatal double fault in supervisor mode'',
Jukka Salmi
- A small tip : don't set log to partitions when ins,
Gao Ya'nan
- amd64 kernels no longer booting.,
Hisashi T Fujinaka
- etcupdate and mtree files without metadata,
Jeremy C. Reed
- postinstall versus etcupdate for some rc.d scripts,
Jeremy C. Reed
- [PATCH] nvi to dont open dirs,
Adam Hoka
- intel 82566DC,
Patrick Welche
- something is broken with ata in netbsd-5,
Andrew Doran
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