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Re: iwn, wpa_supplicant, and wpa2 enterprise

On Jun 3, 11:21am, (Sverre Froyen) wrote:
-- Subject: Re: iwn, wpa_supplicant, and wpa2 enterprise

| On Thu June 3 2010 10:32:32 Pouya D. Tafti wrote:
| ...
| > 
| > uvm_fault(0xffffffff80ab21e0, 0xffff80200767a000, 1) -> e
| > fatal page fault in supervisor mode
| > trap type 6 code 0 rip ffffffff803ae51a cs 8 rflags 10286 cr2
| > ffff80200767a1a0 cpl 6 rsp ffff80004e1428f0
| > kernel: page fault trap, code=0
| > Stopped in pid 110.1 (wpa_supplicant) at        netbsd:kern_free+0x2d:
| >  movzwl  0
| > (%rbx),%r12d
| > db {3}> t
| > kern_free() at netbsd:kern_free+0x2d
| > iwn_init()  at netbsd:iwn_init+0x368
| > iwn_ioctl() at netbsd:iwn_ioctl+0xe4
| > ifioctl() at netbsd:ifioctl()+0x1e4
| > soo_ioctl() at netbsd:soo_ioctl+0x2a5
| > sys_ioctl() at netbsd:sys_ioctl+0xe9
| > syscall() at netbsd:syscall+0xaa
| There are some recent patches to the OpenBSD driver that might be relevant. 
| particular:
| Revision 1.94: download - view: text, markup, annotated - select for diffs
|  Wed May 5 19:47:43 2010 UTC (4 weeks ago) by damien
|  Branches: MAIN
|  Diff to: previous 1.93: preferred, coloured
|  Changes since revision 1.93: +9 -0 lines
| Prevent a process from entering iwn_ioctl while another process is
| tsleep'ing (for example waiting for the firmware to become alive)
| in iwn_init.
| I believe this might fix a crash reported by dhill@
| This is a temporary fix until I find something better that I will
| apply to my other drivers that can tsleep in if_init (wpi, run etc...)
| I'll merge the changes and provide a patch.



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