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Re: msk dhcpcd tcpdump problem

On Fri, Jul 30, 2010 at 02:14:45PM +0100, Patrick Welche wrote:
> On Fri, Jul 30, 2010 at 12:33:00PM +0000, Quentin Garnier wrote:
> > I would setting promiscuous mode on the interface somehow notifies
> > userland and dhcpcd retries getting an address.  Can't say if it is a
> > bug or not that dhcpcd renews its lease, but it might be the driver that
> > is at fault there.
> > 
> > Try using adding -p to the list of options of tcpdump, if you can afford
> > it.
> Indeed - no problem with -p. (So now, why can dhclient cope with promiscous
> mode?)

It's actually because dhclient is stupid:  if you unplug the cable and
then plug in a different network, dhclient won't notice it.  That's one
of the many improvements of dhcpcd.  Now, why does dhcpcd gets triggered
in your situation remains to be explained, but I tend to believe it
would be a bug in the driver rather than in dhcpcd.

Quentin Garnier - -
"See the look on my face from staying too long in one place
[...] every time the morning breaks I know I'm closer to falling"
KT Tunstall, Saving My Face, Drastic Fantastic, 2007.

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