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Re: vlan interface is not added to bridge0 on system startup
On 2011-04-15, at 14:20 , Hugo Silva wrote:
> # cat /etc/ifconfig.vlan206
> create
> vlan 206 vlanif re0
> # cat /etc/ifconfig.bridge0
> create
> !brconfig $int add vlan206 up
> After logging in, I noticed vlan206 was not added to bridge0. A look at
> the console shows that ifconfig.bridge0 seems to be parsed before
> ifconfig.vlan206, thus the brconfig fails.
> Is there a workaround, or is this a bug?
Moments ago, I had a similar situation. I would not say it's bug but a
limitation of the auto-config process. The workaround is to turn auto_ifconfig
of in rc.conf and list all the interfaces your want configured in order:
net_interfaces="re0 vlan0 bridge0"
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