On Fri, 20 May 2011, Hisashi T Fujinaka wrote:
On Sat, 21 May 2011, Jean-Yves Migeon wrote:On 20.05.2011 02:43, Hisashi T Fujinaka wrote:The failure is as follows: ( cd chown; printf '.PATH: /home/netbsd/netbsd-5/src/sbin/chown\n.CURDIR:= /home/netbsd/netbsd-5/src/sbin/chown\n.include "${.CURDIR}/Makefile"\n' | /usr/cross/amd64-stable/bin/nbmake -f- CRUNCHEDPROG=1 DBG="-Os" depend ) nbmake: "(stdin)" line 3: Cannot open /home/netbsd/netbsd-5/src/sbin/chown/Makefile nbmake: Fatal errors encountered -- cannot continue nbmake: stopped in /usr/obj/stable/amd64/rescue/chown *** Failed target: chown_make *** Failed command: ( cd chown; printf '.PATH: /home/netbsd/netbsd-5/src/sbin/chown\n.CURDIR:= /home/netbsd/netbsd-5/src/sbin/chown\n.include "${.CURDIR}/Makefile"\n' | /usr/cross/amd64-stable/bin/nbmake -f- CRUNCHEDPROG=1 DBG="-Os" depend ) *** Error code 1 Stop. nbmake: stopped in /home/netbsd/netbsd-5/src/rescueWild guess: -j8 can create lots of processes and files descriptors for parallel builds, and you have probably hit the limit (for unprivileged build). Try increasing some limits (by going root), then su back to your user:Nope. I forgot, I did it without that (you can tell by the missing build lines you get when you do a parallel build).Next in the list would be: - anything special in /etc/mk.conf?I don't think so. I'll attach it.- is it a clean checkout of src for -nb5? chown moved from /usr/sbin to /sbin in -current, you probably checked out an inconsistent tree.Yes. Several different machines die in the same place. 5.1.0_PATCH compiles fine.
Whoops. Here's the mk.conf. -- Hisashi T Fujinaka - htodd%twofifty.com@localhost BSEE(6/86) + BSChem(3/95) + BAEnglish(8/95) + MSCS(8/03) + $2.50 = latte
### BSDOBJDIR= /usr/obj # # MKOBJDIRS= yes MKX11= yes MAKE_JOBS=8 MKCRYPTO_IDEA= yes WRKOBJDIR= /usr/obj/pkg OBJMACHINE= yes MKX11= yes MAKE_JOBS=8 ALLOW_VULNERABLE_PACKAGES=yes PAPERSIZE= Letter PASSIVE_FETCH= YES PKG_APACHE_DEFAULT=apache22 PKG_DEFAULT_OPTIONS+= inet6 DEPENDS_TARGET= package UPDATE_TARGET= package VIM_EXTRA_OPTS= --enable-cscope PYTHON_VERSION_DEFAULT = 26 PKG_OPTIONS.bash+= static PKG_OPTIONS.elinks+= bittorrent elinks-exmode elinks-html-highlight ssl PKG_OPTIONS.ffmpeg+= a52 bktr faac faad lame mmx vorbis PKG_OPTIONS.gnupg+= i586-optimized PKG_OPTIONS.irssi+= irssi-perl ssl PKG_OPTIONS.subversion= apr1 PKG_OPTIONS.sudo= pam # FETCH_CMD= wget # FETCH_BEFORE_ARGS= --passive-ftp # FETCH_RESUME_ARGS= -c # FETCH_OUTPUT_ARGS= -O -nc ACCEPTABLE_LICENSES+=adobe-acrobat-license ACCEPTABLE_LICENSES+=fee-based-commercial-use ACCEPTABLE_LICENSES+=flash-license ACCEPTABLE_LICENSES+=generic-nonlicense ACCEPTABLE_LICENSES+=graphviz-license ACCEPTABLE_LICENSES+=jdk13-license ACCEPTABLE_LICENSES+=kermit-license ACCEPTABLE_LICENSES+=lame-license ACCEPTABLE_LICENSES+=limited-redistribution ACCEPTABLE_LICENSES+=mplayer-codec-license ACCEPTABLE_LICENSES+=ms-ttf-license ACCEPTABLE_LICENSES+=no-commercial-use ACCEPTABLE_LICENSES+=no-profit ACCEPTABLE_LICENSES+=openmotif-license ACCEPTABLE_LICENSES+=pine-license ACCEPTABLE_LICENSES+=sendmail-license ACCEPTABLE_LICENSES+=shareware ACCEPTABLE_LICENSES+=skype-license ACCEPTABLE_LICENSES+=sun-jsdk20-license ACCEPTABLE_LICENSES+=sun-swing-license ACCEPTABLE_LICENSES+=unarj-license ACCEPTABLE_LICENSES+=unrar-license ACCEPTABLE_LICENSES+=vim-license ACCEPTABLE_LICENSES+=vmware-license ACCEPTABLE_LICENSES+=zoo-license