Hi On 01/05/2012 5:05, Toru Nishimura wrote:
I've switched dhclient(8) to dhcpcd(8). The transition was flawless except of the issue. My /etc/rc.conf does not set hostname variable to let it determined by dhclient(8). It worked well for me so far, but dhcpcd(8) does not any more. I would like to have the feature to be added in furture release.
dhcpcd(8) requests the DHCP host_name option by default in dhcpcd.conf(5). The assignment of the hostname follows a similar ruleset as dhclient and can be found in /libexec/dhcpcd-hooks/30-hostname
Depending on the dhcpcd version you have installed, you can query the lease assigned by so
dhcpcd -U bge0Replace bge0 with the interface dhcpcd worked on. It should show all the options received by dhcpcd that it can translate into useable shell variables.
This will include the hostname. Thanks Roy