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Re: PPS_SYNC and NTP refclocks

On Thursday 09 August 2012 20:49:21 Frank Kardel wrote:
> On 08/08/12 00:52, Dave Tyson wrote:
> > Is anyone successfully running a stratum 1 server using NetBSD current?
> Yes. NetBSD 6.99.5 amd64 PPS_SYNC serial PPS via DCD.
>       remote           refid      st t when poll reach   delay   offset
> jitter
> ===========================================================================
> === oGENERIC(2)      .GPS.            0 l   10   16  377    0.000    0.000
> 0.000
>   GENERIC(0)      .GPS.            0 l    1    8  377    0.000
> -0.027   0.000
> +GENERIC(1)      .DCFa.           0 l   48   64  377    0.000   -0.600
> 0.284
> The PARSE driver can see PPS information from the serial port.
> For GENERIC(0)
> associd=38537 status=0040 , 4 events, clk_unspec,
> device="Meinberg GPS16x receiver",
> timecode="\x0209.08.12; 4; 19:35:22; +00:00;   S    ; yx.0484N
> zz.7878E  206m\x03",
> poll=1114, noreply=0, badformat=0, baddata=1, fudgetime1=1.968,
> stratum=0, refid=GPS, flags=1,
> refclock_ppstime="d3ce8f7a.0001985f  Thu, Aug  9 2012 19:35:22.000",
> refclock_time="d3ce8f7a.00000000  Thu, Aug  9 2012 19:35:22.000",
> ...
> The difference of 27 usec to GENERIC(2) is that PPS information for
> GENERIC(0) goes
> the serial driver PPS_SYNC way, while GENERIC(2) uses s direct driver
> for a PCIe card.
> Did you try to run the  src/external/bsd/ntp/dist/util/pps-api.c program
> to check?
> Frank

HI Frank,

I had forgotten about the pps-api test program! It seems to see a pps 
otherwise the program would complain. The output below was without ntpd 

dtyson(dev)dtyson$ ./pps-api  
0.000000000 0.000000000 0 0 0.000000000 
1344632840.000000000 0.000000000 1 0 -1344632840.947279930 
1344632840.000000000 1344632841.000000000 1 1 0.198010870 
1344632841.000000000 1344632841.000000000 2 1 -0.802038939 
1344632841.000000000 1344632842.000000000 2 2 0.198013104 
1344632842.000000000 1344632842.000000000 3 2 -0.802042012 
1344632842.000000000 1344632843.000000000 3 3 0.198007238 
1344632843.000000000 1344632843.000000000 4 3 -0.802039777 
1344632843.000000000 1344632844.000000000 4 4 0.198022044 
1344632844.000000000 1344632844.000000000 5 4 -0.802034748 
1344632844.000000000 1344632845.000000000 5 5 0.198005562 
1344632845.000000000 1344632845.000000000 6 5 -0.802038939 
1344632845.000000000 1344632846.000000000 6 6 0.198015060 
1344632846.000000000 1344632846.000000000 7 6 -0.802036145 
1344632846.000000000 1344632847.000000000 7 7 0.198009752 
1344632847.000000000 1344632847.000000000 8 7 -0.802042291 
1344632847.000000000 1344632848.000000000 8 8 0.198026515 
1344632848.000000000 1344632848.000000000 9 8 -0.802024411 
1344632848.000000000 1344632849.000000000 9 9 0.198008076 
1344632849.000000000 1344632849.000000000 10 9 -0.802042291 
1344632849.000000000 1344632850.000000000 10 10 0.198008914 
1344632850.000000000 1344632850.000000000 11 10 -0.802041733 
1344632850.000000000 1344632851.000000000 11 11 0.198012266 
1344632851.000000000 1344632851.000000000 12 11 -0.802039777 
1344632851.000000000 1344632852.000000000 12 12 0.198010870 
1344632852.000000000 1344632852.000000000 13 12 -0.802040056 
1344632852.000000000 1344632853.000000000 13 13 0.198029588 
1344632853.000000000 1344632853.000000000 14 13 -0.802018824 

I will have a bit more of a poke around next week and will have a go with 
ktrace as Greg Troxel suggested in a private mail.


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