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Re: makemandb vs. man.conf's _whatdb

On Wed, Sep 05, 2012 at 11:00:59PM -0500, Dave Huang wrote:
 > > While it is a usage change maybe -o could be repurposed for output
 > > file (similar to services_mkdb, to pick another /var/db generator) and
 > > -O used for optimise?
 > Sure, that would work for me too... although for my situation, I'd
 > still need a symlink in /var/db, since apropos and whatis are
 > hardcoded to look there. I had suggested the man.conf keyword since
 > it's a centralized location for makemandb, apropos, and whatis
 > configuration.

FWIW, it seems like a good idea to me.

David A. Holland

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