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i810e vs auxiliary video cards--VT switch but no graphics
Trying to work around xsrc/48344 by installing a PCI video card. Using
NetBSD-i386/6.99.25 on a DELL Optiplex GX110.
The machine's BIOS automatically selects the add-in card over the built-
in i810e adapter. There are no configuration items other than interrupt
Running 'X -configure' generates a template "" file that
lists both adapters. Tweaking the file so only the add-in card is used
(or running without an "xorg.conf" file at all) appears to produce the
same results:
The server switches to the specified virtual terminal, but never engages
graphics mode. The display is left with a solid block text cursor in the
upper left corner. One can switch virtual terminals, but the display is
not restored. Usually, one can reboot the machine by typing blind after
switching to the terminal from which the server was started. On occasion
one must drop into DDB to force rebooting.
I hope to operate the machine from serial console soon so I can gather
more data.
Cards tried so far:
APPOLLO 86251-VOODOO-3D (Macronix MX86251FC w/3Dfx ASICS (only
recognized by vesa driver))
NumberNine implentation of S3virge OnBoard (s3virge)
STB Systems "Powergraph/32" S3trio32 (s3)
Cards yet to try:
SiS 6326-based card
Matrox MGA 2164-based cards
ATI something-or-other card(s)...
misc others...
Anyone successfully using an add-in video card on a machine with i810e
built-in video (DELL Optiplex GX110 in particular)?
|/"\ John D. Baker, KN5UKS NetBSD Darwin/MacOS X
|\ / jdbaker[snail]mylinuxisp[flyspeck]com OpenBSD FreeBSD
| X No HTML/proprietary data in email. BSD just sits there and works!
|/ \ GPGkeyID: D703 4A7E 479F 63F8 D3F4 BD99 9572 8F23 E4AD 1645
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