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Re: intel i915 gfx

I worked with my laptop (sans Firefox) for a few hours later today and all worked well. Notable about earlier crash: Firefox initial screen was garbled. Maybe ffox had something to do with the earlier crash. I'll retry tomorrow.

On Nov 3, 2014 10:24 AM, "B Harder" <> wrote:
Imagine my surprise and elation when I updated the kernel and got
high-performance, high-res gfx on my Thinkpad! It's been a long time
coming, and I'm thrilled.

That said, running X (w/ dwm window manager) froze my laptop entirely
after a few minutes. I couldn't get into the kernel debugger to get
any clues about what had happened; it was locked up tight.

If there's anything else I can to do increase logging or get
introspection, I'm happy to supply info, test builds etc. to get this
up-and-running stably.



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