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Re: lost files/dirs without reboot

Thomas Klausner <> writes:

> On a WAPBL-enabled root file system on 7.99.3/amd64, I have checkouts
> of various repositories, including the NetBSD ones.
> I have a script to update those, basically just a collection of 'cd
> somewhere && cvs up'.
> Today it failed, because one repository had lost its main CVS
> directory and one had disappeared completely. Another repository also
> disappeared completely.
> At the time, the machine had an uptime of 16d.

I have had some lossage that might be similar.  But it may also be that
my missing files (and wrong contents of files) are associated with
crashes.  Lately, I have not been experiencing corruption or crashes.
This was with netbsd-5 and then netbsd-6.  In my case, I suspect bad
hardware; I replaced the disk which seemed to help but not fix it, and
because memtest failed replaced the RAM, but the system with the new RAM
also fails memtest.  So I question my motherboard/cpu and power supply.

I have separate partitions (being from that generation and using 7th
Edition) and all but / are WAPBL.

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