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Re: Problem upgrading from 7.0 RC2 to RC3 (ethernet)
On Wed, 02 Sep 2015 21:06:24 +0200, Riccardo Mottola
<> wrote:
> I boot and work through the menus until I need to configure the network.
> There I see the fxp0 interface, perform autoconfiguration. - dhcp never
> succeeds and I get a series of messages of CARRIER and NO CARRIER, until
> it eventually gives up with no address
> - repeating the attempt several times doesn't help
I have seen this behavior with 'dhcpcd' and "fxp" interfaces all the
time. One must use the "-K, --nolink" (ignore carrier messages)
command-line options or the "nolink" keyword in "dhcpcd.conf" to work
around it.
As suggested, a statically-assigned IP will work just fine.
|/"\ John D. Baker, KN5UKS NetBSD Darwin/MacOS X
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