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Re: "hme" tcp4csum-rx breaks 'pf' redirection to 'ftp-proxy'

"John D. Baker" <> writes:

> Since installing the SUNW,qfe card in my NAT/firewall system, I didn't
> notice any problem until updating my package distfiles due to the much
> more frequent use of FTP (and the failures that ensued).  So far as I can
> see, that's the only aspect of their operation that is affected.
> Perhaps I should look deeper (need to dig those SS20s out and poke at
> them anyway)?

I would recommend two things:

  run 'netstat -s' and save the output
  try a failing ftp
  repeater 'netstat -s' and diff
     (I really mean save and diff - the point is to find changes you
     don't expect)
  [do the same with any pf stats you can find]

  assuming this is a router/fw box, run tcpdump with -1500 -w  to a file
  on both interfaces while doing the above, and then look at the

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