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Re: cubietruck/ axp20x/ awiniic0: send STOP failed

On Wed, Feb 10, 2016 at 12:34:14AM +0000, Darren wrote:
> The following on current using cubietruck kernel
> [...]
> I note this change was made to the cubieboard kernel:
> Revision 1.29, Fri Oct 24 10:48:05 2014 UTC (15 months, 2 weeks ago) by jmcneill
> Branch: MAIN
> Changes since 1.28: +2 -2 linesdisable axp20x for now, it seems after a while we get "send STOP failed" from i2c bus and then things go from bad to worse
> So, I'll recommend the same change for the cubietruck kernel. 

It's strange, I'm running HEAD on a olimex lime2 (which has A20+axp20x too)
and never seen this. I also occasionally run on a cubieboard, but
it's usually not powered on for more than a few hours.

Manuel Bouyer <>
     NetBSD: 26 ans d'experience feront toujours la difference

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