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Colour support in editline


Is there any interest in adding colour support to editline?

It is a known issue that editline doesn't support colour prompts.

We are also interested in some editor-like features, including syntax highlighting and
matching parens while typing. Those are probably of a little interest for the general audience,
however once the machinery necessary to enable colour prompts is in place these editor-like
features almost come as a side effect.

I was able to implement colour support on top of a dated editline source tree:

While it works, I'm not exactly happy with the patch. I was concerned with merging
with the upstream, so I tried hard to avoid extending core data structures like el_(v)display.
The code is still working with Char pointers, but here and there the associated colour
data is retrieved in an awkward way.

So if there is any interest in colour support in editline, I am willing to rework my patch and
to collaborate to make it happen.


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