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Re: current build failure automated messages

On Tue, 19 Jul 2016, Greg Troxel wrote:

Andreas Gustafsson <> writes:

I can appreciate that - different people have different preferences
and workflows.  I'd like to hear the opinions of other developers -
if there is a consensus that "build has been fixed" email notifications
would be useful, I can certainly add them.  And even if the consensus
is that they are not useful, I just might add them anyway, but
hardcode the recipient address as "kre" :)

I would like to see not only a build-ok message (on transition from fail
to pass), but also a fail message on every fresh build during the
failure time, with 3 separate subject lines for new-fail still-fail
now-ok, so that these are easy to filter out in one's MUA.

For me, I'd be interested in another message that detailed changes in the sets of Pass/Fail ATF tests. The "New test failures" and "Tests No Longer Failing" lines are useful for me.

| Paul Goyette     | PGP Key fingerprint:     | E-mail addresses:      |
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