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Re: repeated failure to properly shutdown

I see what you're saying, did it (and do have a console device), but now my etc/defaults/rc.d is barfing on: cannot create /dev/null: read only file system

On Jul 22, 2016 11:41 AM, "Martin Husemann" <> wrote:
On Fri, Jul 22, 2016 at 11:37:56AM -0700, bch wrote:
> How does that happen, how does one fix it ?

It is created by init if there is no /dev/console.

Boot some install media, mount your root file system (say on /mnt)

        cd /mnt/dev
        sh MAKEDEV all

(hoping there is a MAKEDEV script there, if not: extract it from etc.tgz
from the install sets)

Then reboot and check mount again.


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