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Re: USB serial problems

On Wed, Sep 21, 2016 at 07:56:05AM -0700, John Nemeth wrote:
> On Sep 21, 10:30am, Thomas Klausner wrote:
> } 
> } I wanted to look at the serial console of a second machine, so I
> } plugged in a USB serial dongle into my NetBSD (7.99.38/amd64):
> } 
> } uftdi0 at uhub4 port 3
> } uftdi0: FTDI FT232R USB UART, rev 2.00/6.00, addr 3
> } ucom0 at uftdi0 portno 1
> } 
> } Then I looked at ucom(4) and saw that the first mentioned entry is
> } /dev/dtyU?, so I set up 'minicom -s' using that device. Then I
> } connected using minicom. The screen stayed empty, and the process was
> } unkillable. I also tried 'cu -l /dev/dtyU0' which had the same result.
> } (Even though there should have been something visible on the serial
> } line.)
>      Use /dev/ttyU0 for that purpose.  dty devices are for dialup.

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