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Re: current update failure due to extra files

Riccardo Mottola <> wrote:
>on amd64 I did a build in src (after having upgraded tools and the new 
>kernel) with:
>  ./ -O ../obj -T ../tools -U -x  distribution
>and it fails with these postinstall fixes:
>postinstall fixes passed: obsolete_stand
>postinstall fixes failed:
>    ===============================
>checkflist ===> distrib/sets
>cd /usr/src/distrib/sets && DESTDIR=/usr/src/../obj/destdir.amd64  
>MACHINE=amd64 MACHINE_ARCH=x86_64  AWK=/usr/src/../tools/bin/nbawk 
>CKSUM=/usr/src/../tools/bin/nbcksum  DB=/usr/src/../tools/bin/nbdb 
>EGREP=grep\ -E  HOST_SH=/bin/sh  MAKE=/usr/src/../tools/bin/nbmake 
>MTREE=/usr/src/../tools/bin/nbmtree PAX=/usr/src/../tools/bin/nbpax  
>SED=/usr/src/../tools/bin/nbsed TSORT=/usr/src/../tools/bin/nbtsort\ -q  
>/bin/sh /usr/src/distrib/sets/checkflist  -L base,x  -M 
>=======  12 extra files in DESTDIR  =========
>Files in DESTDIR but missing from flist.
>File is obsolete or flist is out of date ?
>=========  end of 12 extra files  ===========
>Is that expected? should I perform something manually? I'm spoiled by 
>the upgrades being always very smooth.

Delete them manually.

We wouldn't want postinstall to remove major shared library versions from
a live filesystem as you might have packages that were linked to them.

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