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Re: Remove fortune quotes attributed to or providing admiration of Adolf Hitler [pr bin/52735]

It is strange indeed to find them here, although not unexplainable,
the laws are different, one can buy "Mein Kampf" from any book shop in
the UK (this startled me when I came here some 28 years ago - it was
surrounded by "The Capital" and "The Communist Manifesto"...).

Anyway - in the proposed list I see

-The fact that Hitler was a political genius unmasks the nature of politics
-in general as no other can.
- -- Wilhelm Reich

which should stay; I would have kept also

-What luck for the rulers that men do not think.
- -- Adolf Hitler

even if it is perhaps a proper quote, but is worth remembering and
reminding people.

Chavdar Ivanov

On 18 November 2017 at 12:21, Rhialto <> wrote:
> It has come to my attention that FreeBSD has removed fortunes quoted
> from Adolf Hitler a few days ago. I was very surprised that there
> actually were such quotes!
> or
> Then soon after that they went a bit overboard and removed basically all
> fortune cookies:
> I tried to find any discussion on this in the FreeBSD mailing lists but
> could not find anything, save something from 10 years ago where
> obviously nothing was done in the end.
> I checked our fortune cookies database, and I was appalled to notice
> that we do have the same quotes there. Apart from those quotes being
> wholly inappropriate in a list of funny quotes, they are probably
> illegal in Germany (where I now happen to live).
> I hereby propose to remove them (but not remove all fortunes).
> I have sent a pr (bin/52735, with a
> patch.
> $ fortune -m Hitler all
> -Olaf.
> --
> ___ Olaf 'Rhialto' Seibert  -- Wayland: Those who don't understand X
> \X/ rhialto/at/      -- are condemned to reinvent it. Poorly.


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