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iwn failure on -current (XEN3_DOM0)


This may belong to port-xen@ or elsewhere, but as it is ran on
-current from today and the behaviour was different than a month or so
ago, I am here.

I used to run DOM0 on xen4.8, the wireless interface worked for the
DOM0, although I could never make the bridge work (it worked with the
wired wm0, though).

Now I get
iwn0: timeout waiting for adapter to initialize
iwn0: could not load firmware
iwn0: could not initialize hardware
iwn0: cannot assign link-local address

and the interface doesn't work (it, of course, works under the usual
/netbsd). Otherwise the rest seems to be OK, I was able to start a
couple of DOMUs, so the normal Xen setup with xenkernel 4.8.2 and
xentools 4.8.2 appeared functional (modulo a panic when I powered off
one of the DOMUs, no idea here).

Any pointers?

Chavdar Ivanov


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