Date: Sun, 26 Nov 2017 14:25:35 -0800
From: bch <>
Message-ID: <>
| That's not fixing things... that's adjusting what used to be
| destdir.evbarm in the OBJDIR.
OK, just trying the simple things first...
Same here :)
I was hoping somebody would be able to eyeball it and say “oh, you’re doing this incorrectly....” For my Pi, I got it’s image from, but it’d be nice to be able to create arbitrary images on demand.
Anyway, in the meantime I’ll look harder at it and see if it’s debuggable. Thanks for the hints :)
It looks to be coming from src/distrib/utils/embedded/mkimage and in
particular from populate() in .../conf/armv7.conf
But it appears as if it should be going to /tmp/<something>/mnt/boot rather
than /boot.
Any chance that there is a mktemp (command) in your path which does not
work correctly?
As in where:
tmp="$(mktemp -d "/tmp/$PROG.XXXXXX")"
leaves mnt as "" ?? (It seems a little unlikeloy!)
Apart from that possibility I don't see how this could happen in a current
install. Nothing else appears to alter ${mnt} and taht appears to be
where the files are placed. Or should be. That line should probably be
${TMPDIR:-/tmp) rather that just /tmp but that can't be the issue.