Date: Mon, 27 Nov 2017 11:41:56 -0800
From: bch <>
Message-ID: <>
| Turns out it was /tmp filling up. This wasn't indicated in the error
| message, but running the mkimage via "sh -x" illuminated the issue.
Ah, OK, I am so use to /tmp being a mounted filesys (tmpfs usually) that
I didn't really even consider that possibility.
So what this means is that the mkimage script needs to honour TMPDIR so
the files can be put somewhere with more space, right?
It might already be honouring TMPDIR, but I cleared up space in the /-mounted to get the script running. The error *did* in fact say / was full, but it looked like it was indicating something to do w /boot which was a bit confusing and non-sensical in my case. TMPDIR is worth exploring though.